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p5-Text-Shellwords Wrapper around package
p5-Text-SimpleTable Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables
p5-Text-SimpleTable-AutoWidth Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables with auto-width selection
p5-Text-Soundex Phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound
p5-Text-SpellChecker Perl5 OO interface for spell-checking a block of text
p5-Text-Table Perl module to generate formatted text tables
p5-Text-TabularDisplay Display text in formatted table output
p5-Text-Template Perl5 library for generating form letters
p5-Text-Textile Perl implementation of the Textile formatting language
p5-Text-Trac Perl extension for formatting text with Trac Wiki Style
p5-Text-Trim (V) Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
p5-Text-Typography Markup ASCII text with correct typography for HTML
p5-Text-Unaccent Perl5 module that removes accents from a string
p5-Text-Unidecode Perl5 module that transliterates Unicode to US-ASCII
p5-Text-vCard Parse, edit and create vCards (RFC 2426)
p5-Text-vFile-asData Parse vFile formatted files into data structures
p5-Text-VimColor (V) Syntax color text in HTML or XML using Vim
p5-Text-VisualWidth-PP Trimming text by the number of the columns for terminals etc
p5-Text-WagnerFischer Perl module for configurable edit distance calculations
p5-Text-WikiCreole Translate Wiki Creole markup into XHTML
p5-Text-WikiFormat Translate Wiki formatted text into other formats
p5-Text-WordDiff Track changes between documents
p5-Text-WrapI18N Perl5 module to wrap internationalized text
p5-Text-Wrapper Perl5 module that provides simple word wrapping
p5-Text-Xslate Scalable template engine for Perl5
p5-Text-xSV Read character separated files
p5-Tie-Array-AsHash (V) Perl module to access array(s) like hashes
p5-Tie-Array-Sorted (V) Array which is kept sorted
p5-Tie-Handle-Offset Tied handle that hides the beginning of a file
p5-Tie-IxHash (V) Perl module that implements ordered in-memory associative arrays
p5-Tie-ToObject (V) Tie to an existing object
p5-TimeDate (V) Perl5 TimeDate distribution
p5-Unicode-CaseFold Unicode case-folding for case-insensitive lookups
p5-Unicode-LineBreak Text::LineFold, Unicode::GCString and Unicode::LineBreak
p5-Win32-ShellQuote Quote argument lists for Win32
p5-Xapian Perl bindings for Xapian search engine
p5-XML-Atom Atom feed and API implementation
p5-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed Generate simple Atom syndication feeds
p5-XML-Atom-Stream Client interface for AtomStream
p5-XML-AutoWriter DOCTYPE-driven valid XML output
p5-XML-Bare Minimal XML parser implemented via a C state engine
p5-XML-Catalog Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers
p5-XML-Checker Perl module for validating XML
p5-XML-Clean Ensure, that *(HTML)* text pass throught an XML parser
p5-XML-Compile Perl module for compilation based XML processing
p5-XML-Compile-Cache Perl module for caching compilation based XML processing
p5-XML-Compile-SOAP SOAP 1.1 implementation for perl
p5-XML-Compile-SOAP12 SOAP 1.2 implementation for perl
p5-XML-Compile-Tester Perl module for testing compilation based XML processing
p5-XML-Descent Recursive descent XML parsing
p5-XML-DOM Extend XML::Parser to build DOM Level 1 compliant data structure
p5-XML-DT (V) Perl module for down translation of XML files
p5-XML-DTDParser (V) Perl module for handling XML DTDs
p5-XML-Dumper Perl to XML structure input/output engine
p5-XML-Elemental Simplistic and perlish handling of XML data
p5-XML-Encoding Perl module for parsing XML encoding maps
p5-XML-Entities Decode strings with XML entities
p5-XML-Feed Perl syndication feed parser for both RSS and Atom feeds
p5-XML-FeedPP Perl 5 module to parse/write/merge/edit RSS/RDF/Atom syndication feeds
p5-XML-Filter-BufferText Perl5 module XML parser filter to put all characters() in one event
p5-XML-Filter-DetectWS PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespace
p5-XML-Filter-DOMFilter-LibXML Perl5 module SAX filter allowing DOM processing
p5-XML-Filter-Reindent Reformats whitespace for pretty printing XML
p5-XML-Filter-SAXT Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers
p5-XML-Generator Perl 5 module for generating XML
p5-XML-Grove Perl 5 module providing simple objects for parsed XML documents
p5-XML-Handler-Trees PerlSAX handlers for building tree structures
p5-XML-Handler-YAWriter Another Perl module for writing XML documents
p5-XML-LibXML Perl interface to the libxml2 library
p5-XML-LibXML-Iterator Iterator for XML::LibXML parsed documents
p5-XML-LibXML-Simple XML::LibXML clone of XML::Simple
p5-XML-LibXSLT Perl interface to the libxslt library
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport Perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class
p5-XML-Node Node-based XML parsing: an simplified interface to XML::Parser
p5-XML-NodeFilter Object that know how to filter out nodes
p5-XML-Parser Perl extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat
p5-XML-Parser-Lite Lightweight regexp-based XML parser
p5-XML-Parser-Lite-Tree Perl extension for a lightweight XML tree builder
p5-XML-Rabbit Perl 5 module to consume XML with Moose and xpath queries
p5-XML-RAI Maps RSS tags to one common simplified interface
p5-XML-RegExp Provide regular expressions for some XML tokens
p5-XML-RSS XML-RSS helps to create and update RSS files
p5-XML-RSS-Parser Liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
p5-XML-SAX Perl interface to the SAX2 XML Parser
p5-XML-SAX-Base Perl base class SAX Drivers and Filters
p5-XML-SAX-Expat Perl SAX2 XML driver sitting on top of Expat (XML::Parser)
p5-XML-SAX-ExpatXS Perl SAX 2 XS extension to Expat parser
p5-XML-SAX-Writer SAX2 (XML) Writer
p5-XML-SemanticDiff Perl extension for comparing XML documents
p5-XML-Simple Easy Perl API to read/write XML
p5-XML-Stream XML::Stream provides you with access to XML Stream
p5-XML-Tidy Tidy indenting of XML documents
p5-XML-Tiny Simple lightweight parser for a subset of XML
p5-XML-TokeParser Simplified interface to XML::Parser
p5-XML-TreeBuilder Perl 5 parser that builds a tree of XML::Element objects
p5-XML-TreePP Pure Perl 5 implementation for parsing/writing XML documents
p5-XML-Twig Efficient XML document interface
p5-XML-UM Convert UTF-8 strings to any encoding supported by XML::Encoding
p5-XML-Writer Perl module for writing XML documents